(v ) When waterfowl hunting, you may not possess more than 25 shotgun shells while in the field, except that during the State Conservation Order, there is no limit on the number of shells you may possess while hunting applicable goose species. Snipe, woodcock, rail, gallinule, crow, and dove hunters may hunt until legal sunset. (noon), except that during the State Conservation Order, you may hunt for applicable goose species until legal sunset. (iv ) We allow waterfowl hunting until 12 p.m. All other hunters, including those hunting applicable goose species during the State Conservation Order, must exit the refuge no later than 1 hour after legal sunset. Except when hunting applicable goose species during the State Conservation Order, waterfowl hunters must exit the refuge by 1 p.m. (iii ) Hunters may enter the refuge beginning at 4 a.m. (ii ) During the quota gun deer hunt, we close the refuge to all other hunts and public entry, unless the refuge is closed to deer hunting at that time due to implementation of State flood closure zone regulations. Anyone on the refuge in possession of hunting equipment must sign and possess the permit (FWS Form 3–2439) at all times. (i ) We require a signed refuge hunting permit (FWS Form 3–2439). We allow hunting of duck, goose, coot, merganser, snipe, woodcock, rail, gallinule, crow, and dove on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following conditions: (a ) Bald Knob National Wildlife Refuge. The following refuge units are open for hunting and/or fishing as governed by applicable Federal and State regulations, and are listed in alphabetical order with additional refuge-specific regulations. Land and waters within boundary and adjacent to, or in the vicinity of-Ĭharles M.

Lands acquired as “waterfowl production areas” shall annually be open to the hunting of migratory game birds, upland game, and big game subject to the provisions of State law and regulations and the pertinent provisions of parts 25 through 31 of this subchapter: Provided, That all forms of hunting or entry on all or any part of individual areas may be temporarily suspended by posting upon occasions of unusual or critical conditions of, or affecting land, water, vegetation, or wildlife populations. 695) will be opened to hunting only after it has been determined that the major portion of the crops in the vicinity of the area involved have been harvested, that the period of susceptibility of such crops to wildfowl depredation has passed, or that the possibility of these crops being damaged by waterfowl is minor. Lands acquired pursuant to the Act of (62 Stat. The opening or closing of wildlife refuge areas to hunting shall be in accordance with the rulemaking requirements of the Administrative Procedure Act ( 5 U.S.C. The opening of a wildlife refuge area to hunting will be dependent upon the provisions of law applicable to the area and upon a determination by the Secretary that the opening of the area to the hunting of migratory game birds, upland game, or big game will be compatible with the principles of sound wildlife management and will otherwise be in the public interest. § 32.1 Opening of wildlife refuge areas to hunting. Refuge-Specific Regulations for Hunting and Fishing

What refuge units are open to hunting and/or sport fishing? What are the procedures for publication of refuge-specific sport fishing regulations? What are the requirements for sportfishing on areas of the National Wildlife Refuge System? Opening of wildlife refuge areas to fishing.

What are the procedures for publication of refuge-specific hunting regulations? What are the requirements for hunting on areas of the National Wildlife Refuge System? Opening of wildlife refuge areas to hunting.